àâòîð: Juliana Kaio


                                                                                                        Fear doesn't let her go.

                                                                                     What's right, what's wrong she doesn't know.

                                                                                                 And in the face of melting snow

                                                                                           Her heart is breaking. Thinking, "No!

                                                                                                 What have I done to be so bad?

                                                                                                   So many people I can't stand!

                                                                                                  Like they want I will never be!..

                                                                                                    So many dawns I didn't see…

                                                                                                         I want to be a poet now

                                                                                              To prove my vision, not to be proud,

                                                                                              To see the world like no one does…

                                                                                                Oh, never mind…"

                                                                                                                                Shadowy cars

                                                                                                      Slide by. She stands alone.

                                                                                                  Haven scatters flakes of snow…


                                                                                                  Days float by her like a stream.

                                                                                                       For her and her sad violin.

                                                                                                 For long she kept her soul asleep.

                                                                                                    But any longer it could sleep…


                                                                                                   A day begins like all of the rest:

                                                                                              She plays by the window. Airy breath

                                                                                             Floats away…She does the last part…

                                                                                            "Are you Anastasy?" she gives a start.

                                                                                                 "Yes, it is me. But who are you?"

                                                                                                     "I'm Elza. Nice to meet you!

                                                                                                   I've heard of you in our school.

                                                                                       People say, 'She's as strange as the moon…'

                                                                                                I'm runner. And I'm living near…"

                                                                                                 "Oh, really?… I have never seen

                                                                                                      You… 'And all of the rest'"

                                                                                                   "I think, your style is the best!

                                                                                                  I really want a friend like you…"

                                                                                                  "I don't think so…"

                                                                                                                                    "But I do!"

                                                                                                  "Believe me, please. I am alone.

                                                                                                 I'd like to stay like this no more…

                                                                                                    But what I feel and what I see

                                                                                                  Is different… I don't want to be

                                                                                                          Like everyone. So…"

                                                                                                "Your music sounds pretty, thou…

                                                                                                     I didn't want to insult you!.."

                                                                                                "It is OK. And normal, too."


                                                                                            A perfect place to stay in is home.

                                                                                   No matter what night, no matter what storm.

                                                                                         Anastasy listens to each of its sounds,

                                                                                          But nothing eternal is in gray clouds.

                                                                                       Sensitive sleep is disturbed  by a dream:

                                                                                     She flies and feels the warmth of the beam.

                                                                                     But looking at Earth, she sees only death…

                                                                                          No life. Only bared pieces of ground

                                                                                   And lifeless ocean… The worst to be found…

                                                                                     She's horrified: could people go this path?

                                                                                        She looks around: everything's dead…

                                                                                           She sobs, but her tears disappear

                                                                                            In hot rays of star burning near.

                                                                                                Anastasy sleeps in her bed

                                                                                          And waits for the nightmare's end

                                                                                        'Cause, nothing she can understand…

                                                                                      Through fog, in the distance she hears

                                                                        A calling violin's song and voice – throughout her ears,

                                                                                         "You see? It is dead… So it will be…

                                                                                But world has a chance, that you're giving him.

                                                                                       The mission is noble, but its sacrifice

                                                                              Is three men with the charm… I see in your eyes

                                                                                        You don't want your life to fall down.

                                                                                    …The Earth looks like one small town…

                                                                                      And only two people in this little world

                                                                                     Can get to the aim. The legend has told:

                                                                                You're a Warrior of Universe since your birth!

                                                                                You've got enough power to save little Earth!.."


                                                                                  The violin subsided. A sheaf of sudden light

                                                                              Astound faceless cosmos. She lied in turbid night

                                                                           And felt her burdened body. And didn't want to fight.

                                                                         Just lied  and thought it's over… Oh, she wasn't right…


                                                                                     The dream pursued her again and again.

                                                                                 And feelings ran through her fingers as sand.

                                                                               She didn't want to sleep and didn't want to see,

                                                                                       But voice called her soul, "Anastasy!

                                                                                   You are what you are. You won't go away.

                                                                                   The Darkness is gathering forces today!"

                                                                                          "Leave me alone!", she shouts.

                                                                                          Window reflects her and clouds.

                                                                                     She wakes up. Only sixteen years old.

                                                                                             Hands are cold. Soul is cold.

                                                                                    It can't be traceless for sensitive heart.

                                                                                      What she feels, she expresses in art.

                                                                                  What she sees, is on pictures transferred.

                                                                                  The destroyed planet is almost devoured

                                                                                   By a wave. 'Cause, that's what she saw.

                                                                               "Could it be?.. Have I reasons to fight for?.."



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